Global Flex International

Global Flex International

Global Flex International Marketplace

Global Flex International is an international warehousing, freight forwarding, logistics and Marketing company focused on providing comprehensive and effective supply chain end-to-end solutions for a broad range of industries.

Our aim is to supply you with the most complete and competitive solution available on the market. Discover the benefits of becoming our partner and let us help you on your path to success.

We offer a one-stop shop for all commercial product sourcing. While most supply companies use the services of a retailer, distributor, stock product supplier, overseas trading firms and factories, we combine all of that into one.

Our systematic ordering procedures ensure we deliver consistent quality. We manage high product volumes from our larger corporate clients and also dropship products from our warehouse.

Global flex marketplace

Global Flex International

Global flex International Marketplace

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About Us

Global Flex International is an international warehousing, freight forwarding, logistics and Marketing company focused on providing comprehensive and effective supply chain end-to-end solutions for a broad range of industries.

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